Saturday, November 30, 2013

Update # 3

Okay folks...  Thanksgiving is over and soon it will be Christmas, then the New Year. 

And that's what we need to talk about - The New Year, and more precisely, The Salado Eggfest.  It's only 104 days away.  Yes, we're almost down to two digits, and we all know how fast those go.

So while you're relaxing and enjoying new memories of having family and friends around with all that food, and of everyone smiling and enjoying the moment, why not say, "Hey, I've got an idea.  Let's all meet up again at the Salado Eggfest in March." 

And everyone will say, "Great idea!  Let's do it..."

And you can remind everyone that they have just over 100 days to make the arrangements.

And you can give them the link to the Salado Eggfest site where all their questions are already answered.

And everyone will thank you for your clear-headed thinking.

And you will forever be known as the "Smart One" in the family.

See what good ideas combined with good planning can do...

You're welcome.

See y'all in Salado.