Monday, February 25, 2013

Salado Update # 5

With only 18 days to go we have 174 Registered attendees (20 are children) for Salado.  We know from Eggsperience that registrations begin to pick up quickly about two weeks before the fest.  Just don't forget...
This is good.  We could stop right now and have enough for a great time.  But we're not going to cut it off when there's a whole bunch of you out there who are coming but haven't submitted your registration information yet.  So, consider this another reminder to submit your registrations now rather than later.  Here's the Registrationn link again:
I should also remind you that the Demo Egg sales are picking up.  So if you want to take advantage of the discounted price, you need to move on it quickly.  Here's the Demo Egg link again:
The Meet & Greet is still set for Friday Night from about 5:30ish until we run out of steam.
The After Party is still set for Saturday Night from about 5:30ish until we run out of steam, lump, food, drink and energy.
Both parties will be at Inn on the Creek as in years past.
Of course, the Salado Eggfest itself will officially kick off about 9:00ish Saturday morning at the Pace Park Pavilion and run until about 4:00ish.
We plan to hold four door prize drawings on the hour starting at 1:00, then 2:00, then 3:00, and finally at 4:00.  Three of the drawings are for everyone who registered and has a door prize ticket.  The last drawing at 4:00 is for the Cook's only.  A Mini Egg will be the main prize in each drawing but there may be some additional items depending on the support we get from those who donate items.
And let us not forget that it is St. Patrick's Day weekend, so if you are Irish or feel the least bit need to be Irish for the day, wear your Irish Green.  And if you happen to be a wee bit Scottish or feel that you could be if you were given a choice at birth, you can and should wear a kilt. 
There will be plenty to eat, thanks to the Cooks, plenty of fellow Eggheads to talk to, and plenty of good weather to enjoy the day.  So come early, stay long and enjoy the day.
See you in Salado.

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